Monday, February 22, 2010

Hold The Line!!!


he fort was under attack. We were warned that the enemy was coming, that was why we were here in this fort, but most of us began doubt that he would come. We had after all won the war, but our enemy was a determined one and he staged one final, desperate strike. They knew they had lost, but there were going to take as many of us out while they could. We were lucky that some were still preparing for the him. It is odd how they went from being “Extremists” to “Heroes” in a matter of days.

22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Matt 10:21-22 (KJV)

The strike came from somewhere we didn’t expect. The enemy had been secretly sneaking in spies to live among us. They didn’t do much at first, but after a while they starting weakening the walls that had been protecting us for so long. They did it very slowly so that no one would notice the change, in fact the only ones that even did noticed the changed were the Extremists (I mean the uh…heroes), but as usual we just ignored them and continued with our everyday lives. The war was over after all.

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy

John 10:9-10 (KJV)

Then one night we heard a huge crack. The sound was deafening and terrifying, for we all knew in our hearts what caused it, the walls had fallen.

The enemy came storming in with swords raised. With a loud cry they crashed into our streets and slayed the people that were in the houses that were closest to the walls. Screams of terror and death could be heard from everywhere. We were all doomed.

Suddenly, a shout could be heard across the night, “Come to us! We have prepared!” No one cared that it was one of the Extremists all we cared about was living. We all fled in the direction of the shout. I froze when I saw what they had prepared, in the midst of the city there was a large house that looked to be enforced with layers of wood and stone. I knew that there was no way that something this sturdy could ever fall.

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Matt 16:18 (KJV)

I quickly ran towards the doors for I did not wish to hesitate, the enemy was everywhere. Guarding the entrance was a group of warriors. Part of the enemies plan was to catch us unprepared so that we couldn’t form a workable defense, but yet these men were fully clad in armor and held great swords in there hands. I could tell from the way that they warded the blows of the enemy that they were well acquainted with the sharp weapons that they carried. One of them saw me and ran towards me, “Quickly, inside! We must close the gates soon.” I nodded and ran inside. If I was to guess I would say that there were about five-thousand people inside, but the fact is that this was a city of millions and only a fraction was going to live. Maybe if they hadn’t been so close to the walls, they would have made it.

Only within a few seconds after I had entered, I heard a loud crash, they had shut the doors. Only a few others had made it in after me. I started looking around to see if any of my friends and family had made it inside, and to my relief I did find some, but not as many as I would of liked. I felt someone walking up behind me so I quickly turned around. The knight that let me in was running towards me. Panting he looked at me and said “I am glad I saw you when I did, we had held the doors as long as we could, the enemy learned of our hold and was seeking to destroy it. Do not fear, there is nothing that can come against us now with the door close.”

“Who are you” I asked.

I gasped as he removed his helmet, it was my Uncle Faith. “The enemy is only a few thousand strong and we have enough supplies stored here to last us a very long time. The city is lost, but this place will stand.”

Suddenly a sound rose from the others, it was the screams of people outside the door. The people that were unable to make it inside in time were trapped out there. I could hear them pounding on the wall screaming “Let us in!”, “The enemy is upon us, save us!” tears began to flow from my eyes for I knew that these people were lost. If they were to open the doors, even for a second, they would all perish.

The night continued with sounds of death and destruction and morning brought no signs of relief. The enemy tried time and time again to get inside, but to no avail. This fortress was to strong. One would think that it would bring relief, but in the atmosphere of death not much did. Finally, after five days the knights began to ready themselves, they were going to retake the city. With a loud clash the doors swung open and out they fled. War cries arose from them causing the enemy to scatter in surprise. Within a few minutes the enemy was destroyed.

Now, we all live our lives in peace. There is no foe to appose us and we can live the lives that we were promised. I can’t thank those knights enough, for if they didn’t stand for what they knew was right, I wouldn’t be here. None of us would.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Moving On

Hey everyone. This is just a message to let you know that I will not be blogging on here anymore. Don't worry though! I will continue on my "Help for Pentecostal Teens" blog. The shadrach period of my life has come and gone. I hope you all still enjoy my works. God bless.

Also I have started kind of a journal, here is the link

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Pornography is Wrong.

Please note the following is for school. NO religious refrences were made do to the fact that I had to have 100% scientific research to back it up. It's still a good read though!

Pornography is the viewing and/or hearing of sexual stimulus. Porn is at the arrowhead of our society’s motto of, “If it feels good, do it.” Pornography, to me, is the same thing as rape or fornication. We have become so technologically advance as a culture, that someone can view this vile substance in the privacy of their home, taking away all senses of guilt and remorse for doing so. I personally believe that pornography should be banned, and any who seek it out, make it, or distribute it should be prosecuted
Pornography should be banned because it is not just an American issue, but a global one. America is fourth in the “porn-revenue” scale. China, South Korea, and Japan have us beat, but America alone spends twenty-seven billion dollars every year on porn. An average porn site gets seventy-five billion visitors a day, and porn sites make up 12% of the internet, totaling in at a whopping four million web site, which is almost double from 2003. Porn is not just something that needs to be overlooked, but it is a global addiction.
Drug dealers are always looked upon negatively in our society, yet the people who sell pornography are praised instead of prosecuted. I often see young girls running around with playboy bunny logos on their shirts. The average age for first time viewers is eleven years old. I do not believe that any parent wants there eleven year old to be targeted by porn, but porn industry mission-statements have found that they wish to catch younger viewers. They know if they get them at such a young age, they will be hooked for life. The average age for addiction is thirty-five through forty-nine years of age. Testimonies of men who came clean about this addiction, tell about how difficult it was. Most state that “I found myself drawn to it, at first when no one was looking so as not to ruin my reputation. By senior year, I gave up pretending and convinced myself that looking at porn was not wrong. This was not by some theological revelation; it was because I got tired of having to constantly confess when I fell.” It is not the porn itself that is addicting, but it is the chemicals that are released in your brain while viewing porn that is addictive. It is scientifically proven that these endorphins are 10 times more addictive than heroine and cigarettes. Also, due to the constant transformation of information in that one pathway in the brain, it has been found that the impulses that are sent by the brain can cause tunnels or tracks to form in your brain, making you latterly one tracked. Every rapist started out just being addicted to porn, but after a while it wasn’t enough to sate their vicious apatite. I believe we all know what happens next.
Most people wonder why pornography has such a negative standing with me personally, it is because I have had a run in with this daemon. I lost four years of my life addicted to pornography. For me it started off innocently enough, some friends were passing around a magazine on the bus, and I unfortunately saw it. It was not until months later that my curiosity spiked and I searched for porn on our un-filtered home computer. As soon as it popped up I immediately close it, but it was too late, those images grabbed me. I started out just looking at it about once a month, then it went to once a week, finally once I was able to get my own computer in my room, it went to every day. I spiraled down along and terrible road. Eventually my parent’s fount out about my addiction, and I do believe that them finding out was the only thing that saved me. I eventually came out of my addiction after many years of “success then relapse.” I just didn’t feel guilty and used, but I lost my reputation of being a holy young man, and it took a very long time to get that reputation back.
I pray that we as a people would see porn for what it really is; is it a cancer that has grown into our world as a whole, and it needs to be removed from our culture. Imagine, if pornography has grown in such a great rate just in the past few years, imagine what will occur in another ten. Let’s not condemn our children to the same fate that we have been condemned to.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In The End


he fort was under attack. We were warned that the enemy was coming, that was why we were here in this fort, but most of us began doubt that he would come. We had after all won the war, but our enemy was a determined one and he staged one final, desperate strike. They knew they had lost, but there were going to take as many of us out while they could. We were lucky that some were still preparing for the him. It is odd how they went from being “Extremists” to “Heroes” in a matter of days.

22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Matt 10:21-22 (KJV)

The strike came from somewhere we didn’t expect. The enemy had been secretly sneaking in spies to live among us. They didn’t do much at first, but after a while they starting weakening the walls that had been protecting us for so long. They did it very slowly so that no one would notice the change, in fact the only ones that even did noticed the changed were the Extremists (I mean the uh…heroes), but as usual we just ignored them and continued with our everyday lives. The war was over after all.

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy

John 10:9-10 (KJV)

Then one night we heard a huge crack. The sound was deafening and terrifying, for we all knew in our hearts what caused it, the walls had fallen.

The enemy came storming in with swords raised. With a loud cry they crashed into our streets and slayed the people that were in the houses that were closest to the walls. Screams of terror and death could be heard from everywhere. We were all doomed.

Suddenly, a shout could be heard across the night, “Come to us! We have prepared!” No one cared that it was one of the Extremists all we cared about was living. We all fled in the direction of the shout. I froze when I saw what they had prepared, in the midst of the city there was a large house that looked to be enforced with layers of wood and stone. I knew that there was no way that something this sturdy could ever fall.

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Matt 16:18 (KJV)

I quickly ran towards the doors for I did not wish to hesitate, the enemy was everywhere. Guarding the entrance was a group of warriors. Part of the enemies plan was to catch us unprepared so that we couldn’t form a workable defense, but yet these men were fully clad in armor and held great swords in there hands. I could tell from the way that they warded the blows of the enemy that they were well acquainted with the sharp weapons that they carried. One of them saw me and ran towards me, “Quickly, inside! We must close the gates soon.” I nodded and ran inside. If I was to guess I would say that there were about five-thousand people inside, but the fact is that this was a city of millions and only a fraction was going to live. Maybe if they hadn’t been so close to the walls, they would have made it.

Only within a few seconds after I had entered, I heard a loud crash, they had shut the doors. Only a few others had made it in after me. I started looking around to see if any of my friends and family had made it inside, and to my relief I did find some, but not as many as I would of liked. I felt someone walking up behind me so I quickly turned around. The knight that let me in was running towards me. Panting he looked at me and said “I am glad I saw you when I did, we had held the doors as long as we could, the enemy learned of our hold and was seeking to destroy it. Do not fear, there is nothing that can come against us now with the door close.”

“Who are you” I asked.

I gasped as he removed his helmet, it was my Uncle Faith. “The enemy is only a few thousand strong and we have enough supplies stored here to last us a very long time. The city is lost, but this place will stand.”

Suddenly a sound rose from the others, it was the screams of people outside the door. The people that were unable to make it inside in time were trapped out there. I could hear them pounding on the wall screaming “Let us in!”, “The enemy is upon us, save us!” tears began to flow from my eyes for I knew that these people were lost. If they were to open the doors, even for a second, they would all perish.

The night continued with sounds of death and destruction and morning brought no signs of relief. The enemy tried time and time again to get inside, but to no avail. This fortress was to strong. One would think that it would bring relief, but in the atmosphere of death not much did. Finally, after five days the knights began to ready themselves, they were going to retake the city. With a loud clash the doors swung open and out they fled. War cries arose from them causing the enemy to scatter in surprise. Within a few minutes the enemy was destroyed.

Now, we all live our lives in peace. There is no foe to appose us and we can live the lives that we were promised. I can’t thank those knights enough, for if they didn’t stand for what they knew was right, I wouldn’t be here. None of us would.

Be a Full-Time Saint for an On Time God

I knew that there was no way I could get caught. My mother’s signature that I had forged looked Identical to her real signature. It should of; after all I had only been practicing it for two and a half hours. I knew that if this worked I would be able to get by with anything. I lifted the forged report card up against the copy of mom’s John Hancock that I had. Satisfied with the results I folded the forged paper and stuck it in my back pack. No one would ever know.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. Two weeks had passed since I turned in the forged paper and I was thrilled that I had gotten by with it. Turns out my mom had called the school and asked how I was doing. I didn’t take into consideration that my parents would be looking for that report card. So after a thoroughly talk with my Dad, and I mean THOROUGH, I managed to only get grounded for a month for my little stunt.

I look back now and laugh at how naive I was to try such a thing. I now know that I would have gotten off a lot better if I would have just given them the report card. This wasn’t my first attempt at something like this and sure wasn’t my last. After a while you just realize that you can’t fool mom. So what is it about us that make us think if we can’t fool mom that we can fool God?

13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Eccl 12:13-14 (KJV)

I know people who I thought were outstanding Christians and I would have given anything to have an anointing like they did. But then once the beans are spilt I become so disappointed. I can’t really say anything, I am sure at some point in my life I have been a disappointment to others.

I don’t think people actually realize that God is watching them. Back when I was struggling with my own problems one thing that I hated was I felt like I was letting down all of my family that had passed on when I would slip. I just knew that they were watching me with tears in there eyes screaming “No! You are better than this! Just trust in God and he will help you through this.” Not to mention what I knew I was putting God through every time I would make a bad choice. There is a song that Ray Boltz wrote that would pop into my head every time I failed. And it went like this.

Does He still feel the nails, every time I fail?
Does He hear the crowd cry "crucify" again?
Am I causing him pain, when I know I've got to change?
'Cause I just can't bear the thought of hurting Him.

The question that went through my mind is does he really feel that every time I fail? Am I causing God to go through this every time I fail? I would be overwhelmed with guild, but unfortunately it was always after I had messed up. You see my spirit wasn’t strong enough to overcome my flesh (Which is a whole bible study by itself).

I believe that part of the problem is that people think that after they get the Holy Ghost, they are home free. The simple truth is that your part isn’t done. Acts 2:38 is only the beginning of salvation. I hate to be the one to tell you, but there is not one thing that you can do or say that will guarantee your salvation. Making it to Heaven is an everyday process with no vacations.

23 Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off?

24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD

Jer 23:23-24 (KJV)

The simple truth is we have to live like Christians 24/7. Think about this, in the Bible God asks us to give him 10%, sure it is usually used for tithes, but go with me here. If you go to church on Sunday, both services, that is about 5 hours. Add Wednesday night bible study and that is around 7 hours. Add youth service which brings your total up to 9 hours. And I will even add 2 hours for choir practice and/or youth service practice. That will bring you up to 11 hours. Now there are 168 hours in a week. When you divide that it only ends up being 6.5% of the week .How can we expect God to give us his all when we only give him that much? I know that it is hard to give God 100% of your time, but what you can do it give him 100% in your spare time. This means living for him 24/7

10 But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself: his seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbors, and he is not.

Jer 49:10 (KJV)

24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD

Jer 23:24 (KJV)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Overcoming the Past to Overwhelm your Future

Isn’t funny that when you finally get closer to God that your past seems to walk into the proverbial room and slap you in the face? It is almost always the thing that people talk to me about, “How do I get rid of my past?” And I had absolutely no idea what to say to these people. I didn’t know because I hadn’t reached that point in my life yet. Now here in last couple months I have realized what there were talking about. It seems as though the demons from my past has come back and began to haunt me. And I began to ask “How do I get rid of the things in my past?” I would go to my room and just cry and pray “God! Why are the things that I have conquered coming back to mess with me?” I don’t really remember when I read it, I just happen to open my bible, and there was the answer. Ironically enough, the answer to my question was in the book of Luke.

Luke 9:57-62

57And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.

58And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

59And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.

60Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.

61And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.

62And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

It was that last verse that jumped out at me. I sat back and thought on what I had just read. I had realized that this man and I had a lot in common. We wanted to follow God, but the things that we had left behind were hindering us. It is then that we need to realize the dead will bury the dead, and if we ever want to do things for our God, we need to set our hand on the plow and forget the things that our behind us! We need to keep our eyes on the mark! Just like Jacob had wrestled with God the whole night, we must not give up until we are blessed. People want to know how to get rid of there past, when the thing we need to do is grab it and let it become a testimony, quit running from it, and use it to make yourself something better. Jacob had cheated his brother out of a blessing, he had something that he was running from. But God came down and touched him, and changed his life and his name. Before God can ever use you, before he can ever give you the blessing of your future, you have to face the failures of your past, even though they may hurt and isolate you. You will have to come face to face with God. When Jacob walked away after wrestling with God, he named the place Peniel, which means “I have come face to face with God.” We have to reach Peniel before we can ever become what God wants us to be. Now here is the problem, I haven’t exactly answered the question... How do you overcome your past. You have to let go of everything that has happened in your past, including the good things, cause God has something greater that he wants to give you! Jacob was well blessed, he had Oxen and cattle that he had inherited. But God didn’t want Jacob, he wanted Israel! One of the main problems that we have, is we try to go to the next level, without completely becoming what we need to be, there are things that we still try to hold on to. But if you want to become Israel, you have to leave everything behind! My problems was something so small, that I overlooked it. I was still watching movies, tv, and video games. But if I ever hope to become something great I need to get up and turn that junk off. Most people don’t realize that there is not a single positive influence that can come from those things “………Oh but Luke, we only watch the news, and the only movie we own is the Passion of Christ!” When was the last time you have heard something positive on the news? And you think just because the Passion is a movie about Christ’s crucifixion it makes it okay to watch? Its not about the content! Its about you should be experiencing the crucifixion, not watching it on the T.V.!

The next time you need something to boost your faith go read about Peter. If there was someone that should have been kicked out the discipleship of Jesus, it seems that it should have been Peter. But yet, he was the one that stood up on the day of Pentecost preaching one f the most important messages in the Bible, only because he was able to overcome the things he had done, and he stepped out and shook his present. I don’t know if I have been making since, but all I am trying to say is that in order to overcome the past, we need to overwhelm the present!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Kindler

(The Tongue)

Hey guys and girls. Sorry it has been so long since I have written on this blog, I have been so busy with school and church that I haven’t had much time, but mainly I was just lazy and put other things before it. I would like to thank Revelation91 for helping persuade me to write once again. Long story short, I am back and better than ever. I now have Microsoft Word, so the misspelled words will probably go down, but the abstract thought will not. I would also like to thank a friend of mine encouraging me in a way that no other person can. She is helping me to be a better person an also helping me to bee the Man that I need to be.

I will apologize for the fact that some of the scripture will be messed up since my internet is not working and I am going to have to type all of it. Ok, down to the thought that I wanted to share. I will be starting out in James (of course) Chapter 3. In the NKJV version of the bible it says: “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.” That is very clear, cut, and dry. If you plan on being a leader, get ready to do a lot of sacrificing. This goes double for someone my age. It is very, very, VERY hard for someone to walk through a high school and be holy. It is hard to not laugh at your worldly friends jokes, even if they are a little perverted. It is hard, Guys, to not stare at some of the, Ahhh, Jezebels that walk around in our schools. And Girls, I know that it is hard for you not to flirt back to the Pimps, Players, and Desecraters, but if you plan on being in leadership you have got to make sacrifices and you should make them willingly.

I almost shouted for joy when I read this in James 3:2. “For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able to also bridle the whole body.” I can’t tell you how many times I have used the excuse of not being a good talker, and I continue to here it from other people, but when you get down to it, if you do not stumble when you talk you, my friend, are perfect and I would like to meet you. I would like you to think about something. If you say someone was about to get hit with a train, and you are running toward him to save him. All of the sudden you stumble a little, are you going to stop, look around you and say “I just look like a idiot” and turn around? I don’t think so, if you knew that persons life was in you hands you probably wouldn’t even of noticed the fact that you just about fell, you would of kept running and try you best to save them. It works the same way when you are singing, testifying, preaching, or teaching. You never know how much of an impact your words can have on a person. You may have saved a person from being hit with a Spiritual Semi.

Another problem that the tongue causes is that besides the mind, it is the hardest thing to control. For such a small thing, it can cause so much destruction and trouble. And the funny thing is that when you are trying to help someone, you usually stumble and studdar, but when you are saying something that is going to have a negative effect, you can just spit it out with ease. Even the bible says the same. “See how Great a forest a small fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world if iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and set on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell……. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” (James 3:3-9).

I used to have a problem of judging people and just saying and talking about things that I knew that I shouldn’t have been. Then I would walk around my Pentecostal friends and be talking about church and praying. I knew I always felt guilty when I did these things. Let’s read what James had to say about this: “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh.

One of our main problems with what comes out of our mouth is the things that we are putting into out heart. The bible says that what is in the heart will show through you life and you words ((Mathew 12:34) “Brood of Vipers! How can you being evil speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.) Think about how much bible you read, listen to, or study, then compare that to the amount of T.V., News Paper, Magazines, and Video Games that you Play and Watch. Scary isn’t it. IF those are the things that we are putting into out heart and mind, how can we ever expect to be good? Then we wonder why we continue to do and say things that we shouldn’t. Let go once again to the bible. “A good man, out of the good treasures of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man, out of the evil treasures of his heart brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by you words will you be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Mathew 12:36-37). So if that is true, and what we put into our heart effects what we say, I would say that we need to watch what we put into our heart.

So in conclusion, let’s review how the things that we say affect us:

  • Words Transmit Power (Mathew 12 :33-37)
  • Words Reveal our character (Mathew 12 :33-35)
  • Words Reveal Our Judgment and Reward (Mathew 12 :36,37)
  • Words Produce Fruit (Mathew 12 :33,35,36)
  • Words Shape Our Destiny (Mathew 12 :37)

Leaders must never forget the power of there words. God shaped the universe with his. He sustains his creations with his Word. He even performs miracles through the use of words. What’s more, God designed us to accomplish things by the wise use of our words.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fighting A Already Fought Fight

Its amaizing the different tactics ancient civilizations used in order to conquer or there foes. We have gone from sieges and raids woth swords and spears to muskets and bayenets . . The infamous “Trench Wars” were used for our freedom many years ago. Machine guns and automatic weapons were then made, and toxic gas was used, Attack Jets and tanks were developed to better the odds of war. Even today we have our weapons although the strategy has been taken out of them, All that is required now is the press of a button. At the press of a button Whole nations are wiped out.

Our world has seen many fights and strugles, but there is one war that has been raging since the beginning of time. This wars outcome will decid the fate of mankind. It is fought on a unseen battle field, with unseen soldiers. But the greatest part about this war is that my enemy cannot harm me. Only can you bring my down fall. This is the war for a soul.

There are several ways to win a fight ,but in this case there is only one. Most preachers poor there heart out to you just to get you to repent and get right with god. Most people walk around whining about a trial they are going through, but there is a certain point in your life where you need to set the hankey down, get up and go face to face with the thing that is causing you provlems. If you are a Holy Ghost filles saint of God you have a power in you that is greater thhan any foe. You should not let the devil jump on your back and let him wear you down. You should grab him by the hair of the head, look him straight in the eye and tell him to hit the road. Don’t let satin make you think you have no power. Excuse me ,but my Bible says that in his name I SHALL cast out demons. It also says I have power of all of them. So if you are letting them beat you down apperantly you want them to.

Demons also have another trick they will try to do. They will try to tell you that some failure in your life has caused God to take his power away. The God I serve will never leave me. I can leave him, and that is what most people will do. They will take there power and annoiting and set it down on the ground beside them, then they jump and do a cannon ball right smack dap into impurity, ungodliness, and.. well… Sin.

Whenever you pursue one sin over and over and over again you have accepted an spirit into you life. And where satan in God isn’t. The Bible says that you connot be the servant of two masters. This is where the sermons that most preachers preach come in. They have to use 99.9% of there preaching to keep you in church! That’s why it is rare any more that you have any “Devil Demising” serveses. (Hit a nerve didn’t I)?

You know I love James. He is my kind of guy. One of the first things he says is “Count it all joy fall into divers temptations” (James 1:2). Because trials give you wisdom. And with wisdom you will get power. And with these two you can get your life the way it should be. Do you realise that our saivour, Jesus Christ has alreadt won the war against satin. He won when he hung his head on the cross and died. If you could really call it a fight. It was creation against the creator. So remember you are fighting and already fought fight!